Please note the description of the current software changes in the manual!

Current firmware for RDR55D/E (with new Audio FDA21): RDR55D_EV5_630.ZIP

Contains configurations (German, English, North-American) and dedicated tasks for RDR55D/E with built-in RDR35 and FDA21 module. Not suitable for old devices with RDR25 or FDA20 module!!

There may be some issues on DAB receiving with installed ADC modules RAD18E/F. Users with module task version 18E5_8C11 or 8D11 can try special task firmware:



New firmare may not run on devices with special configurations (with / without DAB, upgraded ADC modules, and so on). Please check if all currently installed files (configuration and external tasks) are available on your pc to recover in case new firmware fails!

Old firmware for RDR55D (old Audio FDA20): RDR55DV514.ZIP

Old firmware for RDR55E (new Audio FDA21): RDR55EV514.ZIP

Contains configurations (German, English, North-American) and dedicated tasks for RDR55D/E with built-in RDR35 module. Not suitable for devices with RDR25 module!!

Please check receivers version (D or E) by recognizing version of audio module (20 or 21) only! Upgraded receivers may be labeled version D on frontside or backside label but have already installed the new audio module FDA21!